Fiona Crohns disease Campaign
It's never easy to have to look to others for help, especially in the economic times we live in where everyone has to be careful and in most cases we all have to keep in mind and consider what we spend our money on. And as hard as what this is for me to do, I am left with no choice, but to continue to watch my wife struggle to try and maintain some degree of just trying to have a semblance of a normal life without pain and suffering has become to much to handle.
Fiona has struggled and suffered with Crohn's disease for over 20 years, having said that for the better part of these 20 years just looking at her it is hard to believe that their was anything wrong. When she was first diagnosed with it she refused to accept that she was sick and was determined to lead a normal life regardless of the fact that after numerous hit and miss treatments and operations and eventually having her large intestine and Anus removed and being fitted with a permanent colostomy bag, she defied all odds and through shear determination managed to get the crohns into remission.
To give you an indication just how determined she was, whilst all this was going on she continued with her running career, the list of her achievements is endless including completing the Comrades marathon 23 times, and the Two oceans marathon 23 times. And right now with her health as it is, she can't manage to complete a 5km run.
Unfortunately about 3 years ago the crohns came back maybe it's just coincidence but this happened around the time of receiving the covid vaccinations. Unfortunately it came back strong and Fiona has been suffering with this everyday since, to the point were her quality of life is almost non existent, she barely manages to get through a day without having to take time to just lie down and recharge which only helps marginally.
We have been to numerous Dr's and specialists and all have confirmed that the Crohn's is definitely active.
This brings me to my reason for taking these steps. We have been informed that there is medication available that in all likelihood will send the crohns back into remission, but this comes at a cost of around R120 000.00, which is astronomical. Unfortunately the level of medical aid we are on, this is not covered.
We are in negotiations with Discovery to assist, but at the moment it is not looking promising. It is important for you all to know, we are destitute and we get bye. We run a small business from home that pays the bills and puts food on the table, but to be confronted with something like this suddenly throughs a bit of a curve ball. We just don't have that kind of money laying around so it brings me to this point whereby asking for help has become necessary, as much as it pains me to do this, but watching my wife suffer everyday has brought me to a point of putting my pride in my pocket and reaching out.
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Donor Messages
So sorry that you are going through this my special Fi! I wish I could take the pain away! Sending you all our love, Linds and Nix. xxx
You are beautiful inside and out - no disease will ever dim your radiance. You're our inspiration and our joy.
Hannelie Naude
Keep the faith!
You are the most beautiful soul and deserve to have a healthy beautiful life
Rennie Sharon
Thank you for all the special memories ❤️
Wishing you all the very best Fiona. <3
Get better soon ❤️
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 29 via Fiona Crohns disease
03 Feb 2024
US $ 29
Nicola donated R 1 000 via Fiona Crohns disease
25 Jan 2024
R 1 000
Ruth donated R 500 via Fiona Crohns disease
24 Jan 2024
R 500
Hannelie Naude donated R 3 000 via Fiona Crohns disease
20 Jan 2024
R 3 000
Anonymous donated R 500 via Fiona Crohns disease
03 Jan 2024
R 500