Swimmer needs help for Nationals Campaign
Subject: Sponsorship Request for SA Open Water Nationals in Jeffreys Bay March 2024
I am writing to seek your support for my participation in the South African Open Water Nationals in Jeffreys Bay. As an avid open water swimmer, this competition holds great personal significance and represents an opportunity to contribute to the broader swimming community while proudly representing my province.
Throughout my training, I have demonstrated unwavering commitment and achieved notable milestones, such as getting SSA open water qualifying times. The SA Open Water Nationals serve as a pivotal moment in my journey, providing a platform to compete with top athletes nationwide and fostering sportsmanship within the swimming community.
However, the financial demands associated with such events, including travel, accommodation, and registration fees, pose a significant challenge. Therefore, I am reaching out to request your sponsorship, which would not only alleviate the financial burden but also align your brand with the values of dedication, perseverance, and sportsmanship inherent in competitive swimming.
To thank you I will wear your brand or logo on my kit bag to say thanks!
I am his mother
Funds will be used for accomodation and flights.