Help Shaiyene get to UK Campaign
Hi hope you well. My name is Shaiyene Fritz. Founder of The Shaiyene Fritz Foundation. I'm 22 years old and I stay in Lavenderhill, a area stricken with poverty and gangsterism. Growing up in a area like mine is extremely difficult especially as it makes it hard to dream and even harder to achieve. I started dreaming about my future in Billiards ever since I picked up a pool cue. I fell in love with pool instantly. It has given me so much opportunities such as representing South Africa in Russia, China and Morocco. My last trip to Morocco resulted in SA becoming World Champions. THAT'S RIGHT! WORLD CHAMPIONS! still feels so unreal, who would have thought a girl from Lavenderhill Cape flats could become a world champion in a sport she loves. I owe it to my community and all the people who has helped me get to where I am today. I'm in need of your help again. Im heading to Durban to participate in the SA nationals. Truth be told I don't have the money and previously I never cared, I missed nationals and even a trip to Germany before because I didn't have the money and it was okay, I understood but this trip is special because should I do well in Durban then my team and I will be going to UK as current defending world champions guys! I have never had a title to defend before and it will be such a honour to go fight for my country's honour. The trip will be R7000 roughly for a week of nationals Accomodation R2500
Transportation R2000
Clothing R1100 (two golfers and a jacket)
Entry fees R1000
Food R400(it's so cheap because I never splurge on these trips, I buy me peanut, bread, some noodles and maybe polony when I'm feeling fancy lol)
It would mean a great deal to me if you could donate, anything helps whether it's a R10, R20 or R50. If you unable to donate a prayer will be appreciated. I'm in my final year of studies at Stellenbosch University and I ask that you pray for a successful year for my studies too while you at it lol. You are welcome to google Shaiyene Fritz and hear more about my story.
So yes guys that is my plea, that is a little background on me and I hope that you will consider helping this Cape flats girly reach her dream. Thank you so much for reading until the end!
Kind regards
Shaiyene Fritz
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Knock 'em dead - we're with you!
Michelle Brandt
Good luck my darling and well done!
Chernay Southgate
God will always make a way! Keep shining!
Go get em, Shaiyene! You have the whole Village supporting you.
Janina Smit
Be amazing.
You are a wonderful player.
Wishing you all the best! Lavender in Lavender Hill Products
Never give up on your dreams. Good luck! Enjoy
Follow your dream brave soul.
Good luck Shaiyene!
Activity feed
Michelle Brandt donated R 350 via Help Shaiyene get to UK
01 Mar 2024
R 350
Chernay Southgate donated US $ 11 via Help Shaiyene get to UK
29 Feb 2024
US $ 11
Anonymous donated US $ 11 via Help Shaiyene get to UK
29 Feb 2024
US $ 11
Janina Smit donated R 200 via Help Shaiyene get to UK
29 Feb 2024
R 200
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Help Shaiyene get to UK
29 Feb 2024
R 1 000