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Please help my dad 64568 Campaign Logo

Please help my dad 64568 Campaign

My father is a great man and as a man he feels he needs to take care of he's family, unfortunately for the past few years my father has been unable to do so due to him having chronic illnesses that prevents him from working for he's family. My mother and I are the only two people in the house that is currently employed and working, my mother covers a lot of bills and barely comes home with enough to secures us for the month. I on the other hand don't need to pay too many things, I normally cover the groceries and whatever is needed in the house but even with my help we as a family still barely make it through the month because of my low salary. We as a family never look down on my dad for not being able to work or provide for our family no matter how tough things gets because we understand that he is unable to work with all he's chronic illnesses but my dad still feels that he is not doing enough and feels less of a man for not being able to provide for he's family. My dad is a good man with a big heart and tries he's best to look after our family. He makes sure my brother and sister gets to school and home safely everyday  and he makes sure that the food is cooked and ready to be dished up before my mom gets home. My dad always supports us when we do things that we love, such as when my sister plays volleyball or when my mom has a women's event on or when it comes to my brothers drawings or art work or when I play drums in other churches or have band practice. My dad is always there for us when we need him, even when we just need advice or someone to talk to and for us, that's more than enough and I'm proud to call him my father. However my dad still feels like he should be able to help out financially. Recently someone my father knows personally reached out to him and told him about a professional trade that can help him make a lot of money so that he can finally feel like he can be a help financially in the house. He never told any of us besides me, my dad had asked me to borrow him some money in order to make an investment with this trade, I was  hesitant because I was very skeptical about it as I don't trust things like that easily but I got reassurance as it was someone my father knew very well. I decided to borrow money to my dad because it's someone my dad trusted and I decided to trust in it too. My dad made an investment and got scammed out of he's money, he also lost he's Facebook account, the scam was able to hack into it. My dad explained everything to me and stated that he had to borrow more money from a friend  because he was told that he needed to make a payment in order to get he's investment and and to get paid he needed to link he's Facebook account with the trading account he made on the site the scammer provided to him. My dad is really stressed out and feels he has driven my family off the cliff as we are not at a means to pay off my father's debt. It was my 21st this month and even though I didn't want a party my parents decide to give me one, I really appreciated but it has made us very short this month when it comes to food or electricity this month. With what has happened my father feels so much shame and has so much stress on him, one of my fathers illnesses is an angina heart. With this much stress on him it could affect he's heart condition and more than anything I just want to help my dad, I can't do it on my own though, so I ask anyone willing to donate and help my dad. 


Fundraising target

R 30 000.00

Donations to date

R 94.60

Donor Messages

Your a youngman after Gods own heart. Not shy to share yr weaknesses and humble enough to reach out. May He bless you beyond what you can dream or imagine.🫠

Activity feed

Shaz donated US $ 6 via Please help my dad
09 Dec 2023 US $ 6