Help ANNO DOMINI Create Impactful Content Campaign
Stories shape our lives. They're the foundation upon which we build our reality, and the lens through which we view the world. But what happens when these stories remain invisible? Catholic priest and theologian Emmanuel Katangole said that the degree to which these stories remain invisible is the degree to which they remain powerful. That's why ANNO DOMINI is on a mission to make these stories visible.
We believe that by unearthing hidden narratives, we can ask better questions, reflect on our world, and transform our reality. Who lives here? Who isn't here? Who has power and who benefits? Far from accepting things as ‘just the way they are’, our content compels people to ask questions which spark reflection and lead to better ways to respond. At ANNO DOMINI, we believe this reflective life can shape new narratives that empower communities and transform our world. Join us on this courageous journey and help us make a difference today.
We've already made great strides towards this vision with the release of two digital issues focused on exploring faith, culture, and praxis. Our latest project is a series that follows the life of Jesus through the praxis cycle, providing a model for Christian praxis. We're excited about the impact this project will have in empowering people of faith to respond faithfully to the challenges of our urban society. But creating and launching an issue takes resources. It takes us approximately R50,000 to launch one issue. This includes payroll and other operating expenses such as transport, web services, and marketing-related costs. With your help, we can continue our mission of promoting peace and justice on earth, as it is in heaven. Your gift of any amount can help us continue to offer unique storytelling that builds cultural literacy and promotes praxis amongst people of faith.
Join us today and help shape a better world, one story at a time