Loret Campaign
Good afternoon to everybody. It is with a heavy heart that I considered this for a long time now. I asked everyone that read this to please open your hearts to help me to help my wife. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2020. She had a total thyroidectomy operation. She had radio active radiation treatment two times already and are booked for an iodine full body tests in march this year as there still shows particulars in her throat. She is suffering from the side affects of the operation till now, she got infections in her throat every month and suffer from lung infections after the operation and it got worse after she had COVID three times due to her immunity disorder. She get tired easily and she have constantly palpitations and her body overheat very quickly as her body doesn't regulate her temperature anymore. She is a highblood pressure risk and was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and diabetes millitus two. She had a multifusion back operation last year and needs a neck fusion urgently because of a stenosis in her bone marrow. As for now she get seizures due to the fact that her brain doesn't get enough oxygen blood cause of the stenosis. I'm working very hard to pay a medical aid that are already eight thousand a month and we can't keep up with the short payments of the medical aid and all the co-payments are just hectic and the medical bills are pilling up. She is in a lot of pain and spasms. I need to get sufficient pain medication and a bed that will support her spine. Many of the medications that she need for pain and spasms are not on our options list for medication and I need to pay it out of my pocket.I also need a shower put into our home because she can't sit on the edge of the the bath anymore . I help her to rinse off with a bucket. For her neck fusion we need money for the short payment of the anaesthetist again, petrol to go to Bloemfontein, a guesthouse for me while she is in ICU again. She is a poet and published author and I want her to be well again so she can make a difference in other people's lives like she always do without pain. She were part of a cansa book to let cancer patients feel better. At that time she didn't knew that she is going to be a pasient herself. She release her own cancer book a few years ago.
I love my wife very deeply and we are married for 32 years this year but we are suffering to pay a medical aid that support our needs. Still the benefits on our option are limited. She is most of the time alone because i need to work, so I need to get a domestic to help her with housekeeping duties as she can't bend anymore. I assist her at night and during weekends but we can't keep up anymore with all the medical and pharmacy bills . It put a lot of stress on her and worsen her depression.
With a shower she can bath on her own without anybodies help and it will limited extreme movement that can put her in spasm or cause a seizure . Her movements are limited due to the double fusion in her back and the stenosis in her neck. A proper bed will give her the support she needs to limit the spasms and she can receive fisiotherapy that suits her condition.
To see her in so many pain broke my heart and I felt helpless because i tried my best for us but still we suffer to get through everyday. She is the love of my life, she is a person who don't want people to suffer and I can't take it anymore to see the love of my life going through all of this. Can you please help me to help my love to continue her journey.