Tatenda Woven Baskets Campaign
I have long been supporting the wonderful vendors of woven baskets all the way from Zimbabwe, Tatenda Woven Baskets. Richard and Precious are two of the friendliest humble and hardest working parents that have made the sacrifice to be apart from their children while they make a living to support their family on the corner of Camp and Upper Orange Streets, Oranjezicht, Cape Town.
And they desperately need our help.
Our kids had a car accident on their way to work in Harare. Brandon was driving and collided with another vehicle while overtaking.
We thank God that they are not hurt, however, the damage to both cars is terrible.
The other car is requesting $3000.00 from us for repairs, money that we don’t have and that their insurance won't pay. We have been saving money for a while now but it doesn’t cover it all, at all.
We implore you to help us with any donation you are able to spare. We are in despair and very worried.
We are 100% aware that our son made an error, and we will ensure he financially contributes to the damages but he is only a junior employee and unfortunately the burden is mostly on us as parents. If you are a parent you will understand.
May you please help us, every cent counts. If you are in the area we hope to see you at the road to buy our goods.
The other damaged car is a Toyota Fortuner model 2012 South African make and the parts needed for repairs are very expensive in Harare.
Thank you so much. Please pray for us during this time and may God bless you.
Precious and Richard