Medical funds 66466 Campaign
Hi there, my name is Sade and this is my story. On the 10th of January I was badly assaulted by a woman and 3 huge men At around 4pm we heard a huge smashing sound outside and realised it was someone who broke the lock off of our gate. I then ran up to the door and stood there to try and make sure that no one was able to enter my house as my siblings were home and they are young, all I wanted to do was protect them. The three men were stood in front of me and I refused for them to enter, our landlord then came up to me and punched me in my stomach and I defended myself and that's when the three men got involved and attacked me, as well as my stepfather, mom and boyfriend. My whole left arm is extremely swollen from my shoulder to my fingers and it is constantly numb it has been like this since the 11th of January and I'm in so much pain. I've been to Addington hospital for an x-ray, and luckily nothing is broken but they were not able to tell me what is wrong, im in extreme pain and have constant numbness and I'm scared that l'll never be able to use my left arm again. I unfortunately do not have the funds to go to a personal doctor to do another set of X-ray's and an ultrasound from my shoulder down to try and see what the problem is. I also need to do other tests to see if I have nerve damage because the hospital couldn't pick it up. I also have to go to physio in order to try and save and be able to feel my arm again. It would help me so much if I'm able to raise this money and go for the necessary medical treatment that needs to be done, it would mean the world to me and I would appreciate it more than anything. The funds that will be raised will all go towards doctors consultations, physio and necessary medication.Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family. I hope you are able to get the help you need. Good luck to you and your family. Stay safe.
I hope you can get the medical help you need🤍 I am terribly sorry that you had to go through this
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 12 via Medical funds
01 Feb 2024
US $ 12
Anonymous donated US $ 6 via Medical funds
20 Jan 2024
US $ 6
emms donated R 100 via Medical funds
17 Jan 2024
R 100