Zita the little Yorkie Campaign
Help us raise funds for Zita's surgery.
Zita is a little Yorkie living her best life on a farm. She herds the chickens and helps in the garden. Her tail wags all day and night. She used to be my grandmother's dog, until she passed away. Unfortunately, my grandfather moved and the new residence does not allow any pets. So my sister took Zita in. Zita has been in her care for a year now and she absolutely adores Zita. Zita rules the house and all the other dogs on the farm.
Before Zita arrived on the farm, unbeknownst to my sister, she had injured her back right leg, and nothing was said or done about it. One morning Zita was limping really badly and so my sister decided to take her to the vet for a check-up. After a lengthy day of xrays, the vet concluded that she needs surgery on her right back leg. She has a Cranial Cruciate ligament fracture, this is extremely painful and the knee joint becomes unstable, resulting in lameness. Surgery is advised to help repair the damage. The vet can help her by doing a lateral suture, which will provide stability to the canine knee.
We are asking you to please help us raise funds for her surgery. It's estimated quote cost is R8 424.14 without medication after the surgery. We are asking for R9 000. Zita needs this surgery as soon as possible. We hope to book her surgery by mid January 2024.
We will appreciate any donation towards Zita's surgery. Thank you so much!
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Nick & Elle
Good luck Zita!
Nicole Olinger
Good luck
Activity feed
Nick & Elle donated US $ 30 via Zita the little Yorkie
31 Dec 2023
US $ 30
Nicole Olinger donated R 300 via Zita the little Yorkie
31 Dec 2023
R 300
Anonymous donated US $ 15 via Zita the little Yorkie
23 Dec 2023
US $ 15