Fight against breast canser Campaign
HelloI want to rasie funds for my wife.
She is a 37 year old female.
She was diagnosed with breast canser.
The funds raised will help with medical bills and medications needed.
The impact of the funds that can be raised will be a big relief of financial stress and will help to get the right medication for her illness.
She has already started chemo therapy treatment and has a lot of sessions still to be done.
We do not have a medical aid and hope to raise the funds.
There is still a few operations that is upcoming and the traveling ia needed as we do not live close to the hospital where it needs to be done as the hospital is in another city.
We plan to male other women also aware of breast cancer.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Ansie we keep you in our prayers.
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 5 000 via Ansie's Fight against breast cancer
21 Feb 2024
R 5 000