A Ballerinas New York Dream Campaign
Would you like to support a young girl's dream?My daughter Kayla Griffin, 13 years old of Betty Blake Academy of Dance, started ballet at the age of 3. Kayla recently performed in the American Academy of Ballet Performance Awards in Durban, South Africa, where she was obtained a gold distinction, was awarded the prestigious Mignon Furman Award, an international award, as well as received an invitation to attend the American Academy of Ballet Summer School in the 2024 July holidays.
Unfortunately Kayla missed the opportunity to go previously due to limited funds and now that the opportunity has presented itself for a second time, we are appealing on the support, love & kindness of all those near and far to consider offering a donation towards our goal. Whether an individual donation or corporate sponsorship, we are relying on public support to make this happen.
The funds will be used to pay for her weeks accommodation, 3 meals per day, class registration fees as well as return flights.
Let us come together and make Kayla's dream come true, a once in a lifetime opportunity for an extremely talented South African ballerina to dance amongst the best talent in the world.
Together, WE can make this happen!