Becks Ballet Magnificat Experience Campaign
Ballet Magnificat! is a Christian dance company that dances to bring glory to God. The Summer Dance Intensive offered by the company is an opportunity for dancers to grow both their spiritual lives as well as their physical dance ability through the various worship and small group sessions as well as daily training sessions offered by the company.Reaching my targeted funds would mean I would be able to fly to Jackson, Mississippi, where the Summer Dance Intensive is held, fulfilling two of my dreams. The first being that I would love to find a place for me to use my dancing to worship the Lord. Going on this trip will give me the opportunity to learn from professional dancers who have walked the road of worshiping through dance before me as well as teaching me skills I can bring back to South Africa in my own dance journey. The second dream this trip will be fulfilling is my desire to travel. So far I have not had the opportunity to leave the country. It has been my dream to travel the world, exploring historical places and learning more about the One and Only who created them. I look forward to learning about the history of the neighborhood I will be spending a month in.
The funds I raise will be used to cover the costs of my Visa and Flights to get to Jackson, room and board, and the Summer Intensive itself.