Help To Save My Legal Career Campaign
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
My name is Maponya William Ramawela, currently residing at stand number 729 Madibeng Village Ga Modjadji, iam a 39 years old father of Two daughters;Omphile(11) years old and Tiisetso (8) years old. I have a very strong Passion of practicing law, a passion I started having while I was still a young boy,Hence I have graduated with an LLB Degree from the university of Limpopo on the 20th May 2014.Furthermore after completing my LLB Degree I served Articles of clerkship at Gumi Attorneys from 1st April 2015 until my resignation on the 1st of June 2016 and thereafter I was successfully admitted as an independent Advocate on the 28 July 2016 at Gauteng Local Division; better known as Johannesburg High Court.
Immediately after getting admitted as an independent Advocate My name was enrolled on the Roll of practicing Advocates in South Africa and as such I became duty bound to pay Annual Levy fees to the Law Society of South Africa( The national statutory body which regulated the Legal profession in South Africa then,Which has currently been replaced by the Legal Practice Council, which is currently the national statutory body that currently regulates the Legal profession in South Africa
I Have Started This Fundraising Campaign Mainly, because:
1: Since I got admitted and started practicing as an independent Advocate I Have never been able to register my own Law Firm and as Such I Have been Struggling to generate an income to support myself and my Two daughters financially and I Have never been able to pay My Annual practicing Levy Fees Due to the Legal Practice Council as Levied against me starting from the year 2019 to date.
As of Last year(2023) My Outstanding Practicing Annual Levy fees With arrears from 2019 To 2023 stood at R19,200 an Amount which gives me sleepless nights because even though I Try My utmost best, I never find a financial solution to settle such disturbing debt.
2: To make matters worse, on the 22nd November 2017 I Was Hit by a Major Stroke which got me paralyzed mostly on my left arm and my left leg, and as such Iam struggling to do all important tasks on my own.
3:On the 9th of February 2024 I contacted The finance Section at the offices of the Legal Practice Council and Upon inquiry I Found that my current Outstanding Annual Practicing Levies Due to the Legal Practice Council Levied from 2019 to date stands at R24,252 an amount of which if I Do not pay within a reasonable time I run a risk of facing a disciplinary action by the Legal Practice Council or even worse I run a risk of having my name being stuck off/ removed from the Roll of Practicing Advocates in South Africa.
4: your contribution, big or small will not only help me to settle my Outstanding Practicing Annual Levy Fees but will also give Me a very big chance to save and Revive a career which I worked hard for, most importantly your financial Contributions will help me to become financially independent and possibly help me to create employment opportunities for other people in the near future.
Kindly contribute with any amount, big or small or alternatively help me by sharing my Fundraising Campaign so that together we may reach as many donors as we possibly can.
Your kindest assistance will be highly valued and Mostly appreciated
Thank you very much and The good Lord Bless you All!
MW Ramawela