UNISA Tuition fees 65147 Campaign
I am a final year Law student at University of South Africa, I have already written my last 3 exams to complete my exams and the exams are already released. I am unable to view my results as I am owing R33080 at the moment which means I am not sure of how well I have done. The bigger issue is that I have applied to continue to further my studies next year with either Wits or University of Pretoria to study a Masters degree, they are waiting for my final results in order to finalize my application. I am in need of financial assistance to be able to fulfill my dreams of bettering my situation.Can you please assist with any amount you can as it will make a difference. Can you please pay directly to the school, I will include the necessary details but you can let me know if you want to pay directly to me rather.
Your assistance will be highly appreciated and thanking you in advance.
PP Zondo