Where There Is LIFE There Is HOPE Campaign
To people who care and I am hoping that you are.
I do not know if you will want to help me but I am going to try.
I am 80 yrs old and have been working extra hours as a online English teacher to help make ends meet which they seldom do. Reason is we lost our family business due to Covid and since then have lost my partner.
I have been supporting my family through these tough times like so many other folks. But, I have finally come to the end of my tether. My one son, Wesley Green, lost his house and has been homeless travelling around looking for work for a long time and he has a sick wife who desperately needs a valve repair operation. He was Sales Manager in our business. My other son, Richard is a Fibromyalgia sufferer but is an excellent leather worker and is trying to get his business up and running. He needs support for his website desperately in order to get his business out to the public.
Wesley wants to start a baking business making dog biscuits and also salad dressings but he needs funding to get started. Of course his ultimate goal is to find accommodation and get started right away.
Both my sons are hard workers who have had bad breaks and who are desperately looking for help in order to rejoin society and start living once again as decent citizens. Sometimes your paths in life are not very kind or true and one has to extend a hand asking for help. I have exhausted my savings keeping bread on the table but that has come to an end unfortunately.
If you can help us as a family my gratitude would be unlimited. Sorry to say that this appeal is very urgent so please do consider this campaign.
Mrs. Phyllis Green
Wesley Green
Richard Green