Folding Wheels Campaign
Hi, my name is Petri Venter and I am begging for help.My brother 43, project manager as construction worker was in a near fatal car accident in 2017 and due to the car accident became wheelchair bound. He managed to study for the past 6 years a B.com degree( now furthering his studies) and currently applying for article positions to give him a chance at the new life he worked so hard for. We were blessed enough that we managed to buy and convert a car for him, but due to the wheelchair he has, he cannot travel in and out on his own as it is to big. To be transferred alone.
The wheelchair that is foldable and workable for him is +- R100 000. Money we simply do not have. I beg of ANY AND EVERYONE to please please help me, make his life livable. He has been living with our dad the last 6 years and is passing his studies with honors.
But for as long as he cannot get in and out of the car on his own this is as far as he can go. He has worked so hard for a life that is simply in reach were these chairs not so expensive.
I hope by some miracle someone is able to help. Maybe someone knows someone that knows someone that can help.
We do not expect the money transferred to us it can be paid into the account of the wheelchair suppliers... God bless and thank you.