Fees 66732 Campaign
I’m Noxolo Nxumalo from a small town called Newcastle in KwaZulu Natal, I will be a second year student at Vaal University of Technology studying Human Resources Management. I am a very positive and happy person who has the mindset that you only get out of life what you are prepared to put in. I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do my best. Outside of my studies I keep myself fit and active and I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy reading books and I usually dedicate some time to my own personal development.
Passing my grade 12 and getting enrolled in a University is one of my biggest achievements. My strengths include my ability to apply myself to a given task.This means I will always achieve my goals. I am also a good planner and organizer and I know what I need to do to get where I want to be.I am also very supportive of other people and I am a positive and enthusiastic person. I would like to think I am good to be around.I think my weakness is I currently don't feel confident speaking in front of other people.
I chose Human Resources Management because it’s all about taking care of the company’s most important assets which is its people. And I genuinely love the idea of working with people and managing them in a way that will drive business success. Studying HRM provides a broader suit of knowledge that increases one’s skills and understanding, it helps to develop a strategic approach to find, recruit and retain the right professionals. I see myself furthering my studies throughout the years and hopefully get promoted to higher positions where I will be working.
I am an ambitious and driven young lady , I thrive on challenges and constantly set goals for myself. I am highly organised, I believe I deserve this bursary because I have genuine, achievable plans for my career and I also understand I will only achieve those if I apply myself throughout my studies. If I am fortunate enough to get this bursary, I will be 100% committed to my studies and I will repay the trust you will have shown in me, by ensuring I achieve my goals and hopefully give back to a needy student like me one day.