UP Outstanding University Fees Campaign
Thembelani Sithole graduated from the University of Pretoria back in 2019, but ever since he has been struggling to pay outstanding University fees amounting to R17 471.71. He is in dire need of assistance with the finances to settle the debt in order to avoid further legal action taken and legal costs incurred. At the moment, they require him to pay any amount within his financial means; however, since my friend is one of the statistics of unemployed youth of this country, he cannot afford to pay anything. The only amount he receives per month is the R350 unemployment relief fund. (Likewise I am unemployed and I cannot help him out). Please help my friend (who is more like a brother to me) with whatever is in your means. He cannot even apply for a job, since the University withheld his Bachelor's degree, until he pays them... Thank you in advance for your assistance. Together we can accomplish anything. I believe in 'we'! Which is what South Africa needs right now.Connected Campaigns
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Anonymous donated US $ 5 via UP Outstanding University Fees
27 Feb 2024
US $ 5