Urgent dental procedure Campaign
I am a student at Stellenbosch University. The expenses including university fees and accommodation is already unrealistic for me to reach, even though my parents help out as much as they can, they cannot afford everything it takes to keep me here.I do not have a medical aid as I cannot afford it, let alone dental care.
I had a dentist appointment this morning as I have been in agonizing tooth pain for weeks and used my weeks allowance to pay for the consultation fee. I discussed with the dentist that I do not have funding and cannot afford the 6 fillings she said I needed. She explained to me that if this issue is not addressed soon, I will lose these teeth and be in agonizing pain during and after. She also said that once it has all decayed completely, I will still need to consider getting braces as the alignment of my teeth, besides neglect for years- is the primary cause of the cavities and pain, and that it will continue to happen throughout my life if I do not align them correctly with treatment, but that this is not the most urgent issue- therefor I just need funding to support me for the most urgent matter and that is to get those fillings.
The address at which the appointment took place was My family dental care in Somerset West at 10am this morning (Monday, 12 February 2024). I have been putting this off for a long time as I hate the idea of asking people for financial support, but I am desperate and do not see any other option at this time. I am in a lot of pain and cannot delay it until I do eventually have the money or can afford medical aid to help fund the numerous procedures it is going to require. Dental healthcare is extremely expensive and I believe should be fully covered by medical aid regardless as it is a basic need everyone should be able to afford, but it unfortunately is not. I call upon anyone who is in a position to donate to help fund my dental care for these 6 fillings. I am in a position where I do not know what else I can do and I am hoping that my goal will be reached and will be able to cover the procedures.
I would be extremely grateful to anyone and any small donation will help.
Kindly thank you in advance.