Otlotleng Mohube IMTA New York 2024 Campaign
Having successfully participated in the 13th annual international arts and talents showcase of 2023, Otlotleng Mohube has been afforded a ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to showcase his talents at the 2024 edition of the International Model and Talents Association (IMTA) Competition in New York City, USA.
This opportunity will see Otlotleng showcase his talent in front of a large panel of international judges with pedigree in his chosen fields of acting and modeling.
We are therefore appealing to you for your assistance in making this dream come true. Any monetary contribution towards this cause will be greatly appreciated. The funds will strictly be used for travel, accommodation, meals, participation in IMTA, all preparatory camps and photoshoots.
Please feel free to distribute this as far and wide as possible.
Thanking you in advance.
The Mohube Family