Danie Nel Hernia Operation Campaign
My name is Danie NelI got an Umbilical Hernia years ago from a bike accident. It never bothered me as it didn't hurt, but a few months ago it started to hurt a lot and got bigger as you can see in the photos.
I went to see doctors at the state hospital and not one hospital can help me as they don't have the "mesh" that should be used and the fact that I have high blood pressure and cholesterol.
This operation would mean that I can again find work and provide for my family because the hernia prevents me from lifting heavy equipment or parts.
We are now trying to raise the funds so that I can get to a private doctor and do the operation through a private hospital, because at this stage it could become fatal. The funds will be used to consult a doctor, for the hospital stay and doctors connected to the operation and for the after care of the wounds.
Any donations would be appreciated.
Thank you
Danie Nel
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