Hope through Education Campaign
Good day,My name is Nadia and I am the lucky mom of 6 kids living in a blended family. 2 years ago our family grew by 3 - adding 3 more siblings to love and grow up with. The kids all come from their own disadvantaged backgrounds where basic needs, like food, hygiene and school was almost non existent. Here the kids are taught to see beyond blood relation or skin colour. Family is the love of those who stand by you and encourage you regardless.
We have been blessed in the past where we always had active employment - at times 3 jobs running - and were able to successfully care for all the kids in the house without any assistance.
Due to a loss in income and subsequent inability to secure employment, we have fallen badly behind and are in arrears with everything from rent to schooling etc. The most important right now being the schools as 5 kids are at 2 different schools, catering towards their leaning challenges and abilities. Due to our financial struggles, the schools have warned that the kids will be expelled if the arrears are not paid.
These kids have worked their bums off this past year and their grades are improving with each test and term. Not only are they doing well at school, but they are helping us do odd jobs or selling baked goods to generate an income.
These are kids who previously had little to no opportunities for a brighter future. No quality of life or optimism about what their potential could be. We have worked hard alongside them, encouraging and supporting them every step of the way. Unfortunately, we have tried looking at other schools, rental houses, food options but we are coming up at a loss.
We are grateful for any and all assistance received. The funds raised here will go directly to the school to clear the arrears. Should anyone have any potential remote work available, I am happy to grab the opportunity.
Thank you in advance,
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Anonymous donated R 200 via Hope through Education
03 Dec 2023
R 200
Anonymous donated US $ 58 via Hope through Education
28 Nov 2023
US $ 58