My Studies 66845 Campaign
Good DayMy name is Mumtaaz Cassiem. I am currently a 19 year, matriculated in 2022 with a Bachelor's Pass.
I have worked as a Teachers Assistant in the year 2023, whilst awaiting on acceptance from University applications.
Thankfully my application through Varsity College, Newlands has been successful and I will commence classes as of end February this year. My school of interest is Education, hence I have enrolled for Bachelor's of Education in Foundation Phase Teaching.
As positive as all this may seem and as enthusiastic as I am, the worry of funding my studies is always a nightmare.
I have resided in Mitchell's Plain since birth, where I have been raised by my single mother. Together with my siblings,aged 14 & 2 years respectively, we live on a rented room. My mother unfortunately does not have a stable income. She too is barely making it to pay her own tuition at university,yet ensures that school fees for my younger siblings are paid on time as well as seeing to our wellbeing.
The purpose of me raising funds is to fund my own studies which would lighten the load on her and assist wherever I can financially. Therefore, ultimately ensuring that we are able to complete our studies in the hope of affording my younger siblings a better chance at a brighter future.
I thank you for taking the time to visit my campaign. I am grateful for any form of assistance in this regard.
Be blessed.