Sponsorship letter for Coaching Campaign
Good day Backabudy familyMy name is Mulondo Sikhwivhilu and I'm a former football player from rural parts Iof South Africa called Venda .
Venda was once part of segregated places during apartheid and I struggled a lot in order to make it professionally. I managed to get my break in 1997 at 17 years to turn professional.
Black leopards was promoted to the top league with players from rural backgrounds without proper training , but we managed to finnish top8 with teams like kaiser chiefs and orlando pirates being one of iyr victims.
I believe that if I manage to get this sponsorship , I will help a lot of youngsters and Also impact positively in the holistic development of players both on and off the field.
Funds raised will be deposited to my studies directly and I will not receive any monetary benefits but will be humbled buy those who contribute.
All my information is on Google and South African football association
I hope someone somewhere will recognize the importance of thus opportunity and will make my dream of becoming a Profesional coach a reaity