Return to Gymnastics Campaign
Dear Friend
My daughter has been doing Gymnastics since she was in Grade1, Gymnastics was something I felt she was very gifted in so we did all we could to make it possible for her, But last year we had to inform her coach that we needed to take a break as financially it was getting tuff, today I am so sad that I had to make that decision, because for the first time in 7 years the SA Gym Games are in Cape Town meaning Financially it would've been much easier. My daughter has been doing Gymnastics for 7 years, it was a big blow to her when we informed her that we will need to take a break, due to finances.
I know every family or person has their problems and therefore it was not easy for me to ask for help, but I realized I had nothing to lose because my daughter is already missing out on the sport she loves so much, and I had this hope that the Lord could connect my story to willing people who feel lead to sow into my daughter love for Gymnastics and then she could once again be back doing what she loves.
I have noticed that my daughter really misses it and I felt I needed to do all I can to help her return to the sport she loves so much. I pray you can help me do that. Her Coaches Name and Number: Nikki Van Der Westhuizen 0795091012 (The Club is called Schick) You are free to contact her to verify my story.
Why? R44000per year
Term Fee : R3300per term
Transport :1000 per month
Competitions: +_R5000per year ( this total can be clarified with her coach as it depends what competitions are done)
SA Gym Games if away R10 000per year
equipment needed : R1800
%back a buddy requires+_ R2000 (cant remember the cost of using the services of back a buddy)
God, Please Bless each Person. Who helps my daughters dream come true again.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story.
God Bless
Michelle Horn