Melissa 40th for Pigs n Paws Campaign
Hello friends!
This story started 4 years ago, when I experienced a perfect storm of forces that led me to become vegan!! This opened my eyes to the treatment of animals beyond cats, dogs, birds, rabbits - and into the wellbeing of farm animals and those used for food.
Fast forward to November 2023 when I decided to start volunteering at Pigs 'n' Paws Rescue in Cullinan. The sanctuary is home to over 300 rescued piggies (as well as cats, dogs, ducks, sheep, and cows!) My memo was to shower these incredible creatures with love, affection, and of course, plenty of belly rubs. It was a way to help me feel like I was doing more than just "being vegan" - and trying to be part of a bigger change.
Each piggie has its own unique story: some were rescued from animal testing centres, while some were from pig farms where they were being fattened up in preparation for being slaughtered. Many were rescued from horrible conditions where they were kept in cold and dark cement floor rooms for their whole lives, never knowing what the sun or the grass feels like. And most of all, these animals were never able to experience love...During the time I've been there, the piggies (and dogs and Alice the Chicken) have really crept into my heart...they have been spared a definite scary and tragic short lived existence. They now live happy and free.
Besides the animals, the individuals I've had the privilege of working alongside, have shown me the true meaning of dedication and compassion. They work long hours, often sacrificing their own personal time and resources, to provide a safe and loving environment for these animals. They go above and beyond, facing daily challenges and remaining unwavering in their commitment to making sure that these animals live their best lives.
However, Pigs 'n' Paws Rescue relies solely on donations from the general public to keep its doors open. The sanctuary operates on a monthly budget of approximately R80,000. It takes a lot of resources to provide care, food, and medical attention for all these animals.
Unfortunately, the sanctuary has fallen on hard times. It breaks my heart to see these incredible individuals fighting so hard to keep the farm running smoothly, knowing that their resources are stretched thin. And no-one can bear the thought of the sanctuary having to close its doors this year, due to insufficient funding.
So, in celebration of me finally (and safely!) reaching my 40 year landmark, I would like to appeal to you my friends to please spare what you can to aid the sanctuary. Once-off donations like this will go a long way to continue the fight to keep Pigs 'n' Paws Rescue's doors open.
The funds raised will help give the sanctuary the hope that better days will come...Please help me to show them that they are not alone in this fight.
Funds raised will go towards:
-food for the animals
-medicine and vet visits
-hay for the cold winter months coming up
-upgrades to fencing for enclosures
-petrol for the daily visit to the market for veggies
-and lots of other needs!
You can read more about their story here: https://www.pigsnpaws.co.za/
Please also visit their Facebook: https://facebook.com/PigsNPawsRescue and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pigs_n_paws_rescue/
And if you'd like we can chat about other ways you could help!!
Thanks so so so much,