Ons back jou Ruan Campaign
Dear Friends, Family & LinkedIn Acuaintances
This must be the most difficult letter I had to write in my 36 years, buf if you are down and out like us you must forget about pride and ask for assistance.
It's now 7 months since Ruan were retrenched and his UIF, our savings and his temporary contract work will come to an end in April 2024. He received a job offer via a reliable friend who does recruitment in Australia for a position in his line of work. This is a contract position for 6 to 12 months with a possibility of becoming a permanent position if God wills this for him and us as a family. The recruitment company is called Employme if you want more information. They assist South Arican citizens who struggle to find a job in SA, so this is now our last resort.
Ruan will receive accommodation and a vehicle until he can afford to get on his feet. We must unfortunately pay for this flight tickets, visas, and all other expenses to get him there and for that we need +- R60 000.
This is where we need you as our family and friends and everyone who has dealt with him or worked with him in the past to please take our hands to raise this amount. The position is obviously only available for a certain amount of time so we need to get him there as soon as possible.
This idea and letter gave me many sleepless nights because it's hard to put this request out there for anyone to see but we don't have any other choice. With that said, here we are now asking you to please contribute to this worthy cause to get Ruan back on his feet again. We appreciate any assistance and most of all your prayers to carry us through this season of our lives.
Kind regards
Melissa & sons
Beste vriende en familie