Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant Campaign
On 07 Feb 2022 after years of infertility and several rounds of fertility treatments and a very problematic pregnancy, we were blessed with our miracle twins, Morgan and Leigh.In August 2023 after his sister had been in hospital due to her epilepsy, we had taken her for her post discharge check up and their 18 month check up. It was then that they picked up Morgans enlarged liver by our absolutely amazing Paediatrician Dr C Goossens. This was supposed to be a healthy check up for him, as he wasnt portraying any signs of being ill.
We were referred to the Donald Gordon Hospital for a liver biopsy, that in the end was cancelled as Morgan had somehow picked up RSV. It was then that our liver specialist Dr Berkenfeld said she just wants Professor Hopewell to do an echo on his heart to ensure that there aren't any issues. This was a saving grace, as he had picked up on the echo that his heart valves weren't closing properly.
After numerous tests, in September 2023 we got the horrible news that Morgan has Restrictive Cardiomyopathy and will need a heart transplant.
After a heart catheterization and a heart biopsy, it was 100% confirmed that a heart transplant would be his only option.
And so out journey to fight had begun. We were informed that they had never before done a transplant in South Africa on someone Morgans age, and they do not have a children's Heart Transplant unit in Gauteng, but that has not stopped our amazing team of specialist. Within a few months, with the help of our transplant Coordinator, they decided to put together a Team and start with the negotiations to open the unit at Nelson Mandela Childrens Hospital.
It has been a journey for us to get to this point and we will not stop fighting. Unfortunately, Morgan keeps getting sick and ends up in hospital every 2/3 weeks as the smallest of infections affect his heart. The specialists decided that it is of utter importance for Morgan to get the Synagis vaccinations for RSV every month from January right through to August.
Our medical aid sent through approval of this on 29 Jan, but stated they will only cover until May. At a cost of R25 618.89 per dosage per month(based on his weight), the remaining months of June to August will come at a personal cost of R76 856.67 minimum if he does not gain weight. This excludes the emergency dosage he had to receive on 27 Jan that we are currently still fighting to get the medical aid to cover this.
Due to all of this, we as parent have to now work from home full time until post- transplant recovery to protect him, unfortunately this includes not having someone from outside to look after them during the day at home while we work as they also cannot attend a pre-school.
Morgan has also been placed on a special formula Nutrini drink to help him gain weight, as he is still currently underweight and refusing to eat. If he does not meet the weight criteria when a heart becomes available, he will be declined.
We just want to be able to ensure he gets his needed Synagis vaccinations for the full term as stated by the specialists to protect him.
We as a family cannot thank everyone enough for all the support.
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Praying for you Morgan 🙏❤️
Van ‘n lang vergete hoërskool kennis…
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Dink aan Julie my pel!
Praying for Morgan for a miraculous instant recovery 🙏❤️
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 4 600 via Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant
05 Mar 2024
R 4 600
Anonymous donated R 2 000 via Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant
27 Feb 2024
R 2 000
Anonymous donated US $ 29 via Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant
19 Feb 2024
US $ 29
Johan donated US $ 113 via Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant
15 Feb 2024
US $ 113
Anonymous donated R 603 via Morgan Wilken Heart Transplant
14 Feb 2024
R 603