Meet Nicely, a mother of 3 from a small village in Malawi. Working as a domestic worker in Cape Town, Nicely works day in and out to support her family back home. Not only does she send all her money back home to feed her 3 children who live with their elderly grandparents, she also sends money to help her brother study at university. She only sees her little kids once every few YEARS. imagine being a parent living so far from your kids and having your only goal in life, to support and make a better life for them. Nicely is the hardest working, loyal, friendly, infectious and happy Malawian lady. She has worked for myself and my entire friendship group throughout university, always bringing happiness and love.Nicely and I were having a conversation yesterday and she asked if she could work more days in the week, as her goal for 2024 is to save enough to build her family a home in Malawi - i asked how much and she said she needs R70 000 (roughly 3700 USD - to build a WHOLE HOUSE) - this is still very hard for her to do alone as she is earning minimum wage in south africa. She works once a week for me and I try help out where i can.
I then realised that my 2024 goal should be to help her, to make a huge difference in her and her families life, R70 000 would be MASSIVE for this Malawian family, as Malawi is one of the poorest countries on earth.
I am now reaching out to my fellow friends, near and far to help extend a hel[ing hand, to give a little more where it can be done.
Nicely doesn't have a bank account in SA, so i will have to manage and receive all funds where necessary.
Together we can bring the biggest smiles to her and help make someones YEAR, if not their ENTIRE LIFE.
sometimes it feels like we cannot make a difference, but WE CAN and its very tangible to do so. Feel free to reach out to me to see if there is anything else you could do.