Lourinka has School Needs Funding Campaign
Hi there everyone!I would like to introduce myself. I'm Marinka and it is a pleasure meeting you.
I'm a 31 year old, divorced, and unemployed mother from the Freestates in Sasolburg. Lourinka is my daughter, and she is 7 years old. She is also the reason I'm here, making it a priority to raise the necessary funds.
I'm raising the funds, because I believe that this little girl of mine also deserves what any other child is getting to enjoy during school and at the start of a new year! This year (2023), she started her first school year (GRADE 1), I was so proud.
Unfortunately, Lourinka did not pass Grade 1 and she has to redo Grade 1 in 2024! She was diagnosed with ADHD, and the concentration led to her not passing (as well as the bullying). I prefer her redoing Grade 1.
This year she had to start School with USED ITEMS I could manage to get from people, I wasn't able to buy her NEW stuff for the most important school year. She had to wear second hand school clothing, used worn out school shoes, and sometimes went to school without food (because everything I do investigations of OUR food parcel, I get told that I have been removed and should reaply again).
It is 2 years since I last had work and a decent income. With some help from friends here and there, and from my parents, we pull through! I wasn't able to buy her all those special things I would've loved to buy, BUT I feel that I got a second chance to make it MORE special to her. The father is something I do not really want to discuss on platform.
The Funding "MAX" Goal (incl.):
-School stationary (for the year)
-Brand new school clothes (must include atleast 1 dress, 1 pair of socks, 1 blue button shirt, 1 pair 'tekkies', The New Design Friday Wear (pants and shirt), The New Design Tracksuit, 1 Pull over, 1 jersey, 1 pair school shoes.
-Brand new school bag (she is involved with a purple one and has forever been asking for it).
I just want the BEST possible first her and help her!