Please help Shaun Campaign
Shaun is 38 years old. He is a soft hearted person, who loves animals. He is like a ray of sunshine and is always so thankful and appreciate the smallest, kind gestures. He suffers from epilepsy since the age of 10.Shaun was in a normal school until Std 7, then he finished Std 8, 9 and 10 in Transvalia. He loved playing chess and taught other kids as well. He studied as an Accounting Technician for 2 years after school.
Unfortunately his brain function has deteriorated rapidly over the years and caused total incontinence, cannot feed himself, can no longer walk, had a hip replacement after a fall from a seizure. He hardly talks and can no longer even use a cell phone. From time to time he also has difficulty swallowing and food has to be liquidized.
He was employed until Covid, but for the last 3 years he is in the care of Agape Home in Queenswood, Pretoria.
I am Shaun's mom. I am 65, not sure how long I will still be employed because of my age. I am unable to cover all Shaun's monthly expenses, i.e. medical expenses, toiletries, nappies and monthly fee for Agape. Shaun's income covers only half of his monthly expenses and for the last 3 years I have depleated all our savings and every month is becoming more difficult to cope.
All monetary donations will be used for Shaun's monthly expenses. A sponsorship for adult nappies would also be appreciated.