Waldorf Teaching Course Support Campaign
My name is Mariejo.
Sanette became a friend when i started a Women circle in Swellendam.
In her mid forties, she left a promising career in one of the major S.A banks to start a 4 year study course to become a Waldorf Teacher, after she became inspired by Rudolf Steiner's philosophy.
She saw the need for a changed approach to the current education system for Humanity's evolution, specially in her Community, a location with much poverty, part of the Swellendam town.
She managed to pay the past two years' tuition all by herself, but is now struggling to make ends meet.
She has to be in Cape Town for her schooling, meaning being far from her family, and having to pay for rent and food additionally to her course.
She's working evenings and weekends, but still cannot make enough.
She is very determined to complete the course and is looking at many ways to get additional funds, but she could really use some help to encourage her on her way.
Sanette is already socially much involved in the Community and becoming a Waldorf Teacher could mean some major shift for the children around her, and without doubt, their parents.
I hope and pray that if you're able to support this endeavor, that you please do so.
She really deserves it.
Her minimum needs are R60,000 for the year's tuition. If more came, she would be able to send her son back to the Waldorf School where he was boarding, which they had to cancell, as they felt the impact would be greater if she was given the chance to complete her studies, for the sake of the Community and of her family.
I am asking you to please pay directly into her bank account as it keeps her in control of the situation.
Sincerely Thank You.
Mariejo Wiehe
073 882 3599
Sanette Wynand
Account number: 1236403592
Type of account: Current account
Branch code: 198765
Account number: 1236403592
Type of account: Current account
Branch code: 198765