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Double lung transplant Campaign Logo

Double lung transplant Campaign


I am the mother of Mrs. Chantalle Buckle, known as Ricky. Our family is urgently seeking funds for a critical cause – a double lung transplant for my daughter.
Chantalle received a diagnosis in 2014, marked by her first lung biopsy, followed by another in 2016. For the past eight years, she has been reliant on oxygen, with her levels dropping to a concerning 74%. Chantalle is grappling with fibrotic Non-specific Interstitial Pneumonitis (F-NSIP), a condition further complicated by severe Hypoxaemic Respiratory failure and secondary Pulmonary Hypertension.
Despite undergoing initial treatments with high-dose Corticosteroids & Prifenidone and Mycophenolate, Chantalle's condition persists. Her next and final hope is a double lung transplant, scheduled for the upcoming months. This procedure represents the last resort, as all systemic therapies have proven ineffective.
Our immediate challenge is the financial burden associated with the extensive tests Chantalle needs. To proceed with the transplant, she must upgrade to the highest medical aid plan (Boncomprehensive), which costs R9853 per month – a cost we currently cannot afford.
Living in Bethal, Mpumalanga, Chantalle travels 2 hours and 30 minutes to Millpark Hospital in Johannesburg for essential medical examinations, incurring around R350,000 in expenses.
The additional travel costs for fuel and tollgates amount to R1000 each time. Furthermore, Chantalle requires funding for Ozempic injections, a crucial 4-month treatment costing R10,000. Unfortunately, our medical aid does not cover this expense, essential for her weight loss before the procedure, as she is too weak to engage in any form of exercise.
Chantalle is not just a patient; she is also a devoted mother to her 11-year-old son who needs her.
This journey is life-changing for Chantalle and our entire family. Your support will make a significant difference in affording her a second chance at life, enabling her to breathe freely once again.
Please consider contributing to this cause by clicking on the link below. We welcome and appreciate all donors who are covering the platform fee, because more of your donations will go to this campaign.
Thank you.

Donor Messages

God is good all the time
I also don't have much but I love making a difference 🌹 I pray for you!.
Chantelle ek het jou verhaal gelees, en buiten jou toestand is jy bereid om te gee. Deur te gee sal jy mildelik terug ontvang. Ek glo en vertrou dat jou fondse binne die volgende week die volle bedrag sal bereik. Ons Vader is Groot en Hy sal voorsien
Gods liefde xxx
Mej Sonneblom
Ek bid net blessings vir jou toe my mensie♡ Jy is wonderlik, en ek bid dat jou Goal bereik word. JY IS AMAZING
Mag die Here sy hand van beskerming oor jou hou.
Susan Holtzhausen
Filippense:4 Vers 4 🙏Wees altyd bly in die Here🙏

Activity feed

Ritz donated R 1 000 via Double lung transplant
15 Feb 2024 R 1 000
Anonymous donated R 22 via Double lung transplant
09 Feb 2024 R 22
Anonymous donated R 200 via Double lung transplant
06 Feb 2024 R 200
Anonymous donated R 2 000 via Double lung transplant
06 Feb 2024 R 2 000
Dienkie donated R 100 via Double lung transplant
06 Feb 2024 R 100