Dancers Dream To Attend Worlds Campaign
Make A Dancer's Dream Come True!
Meet Harlow Holmes, an 11yr old dancer from little Knysna in the Garden Route, Western Cape. Her passion & love for dance is in-comparable, she practically lives at the studio Mon to Fri. In May earlier this year she was set & ready to take part in the SWD qualifying round for dance. However a day before the competition we were informed by the organizers that the dedicated area for the dancers to perform would be a tiled floor... This was a red flag with regards to the safety of our dancers and we made the difficult decision to withdraw from the competition.
Harlow being one of the dancers, was absolutely heart broken. After the many hours of training & rehearsals she felt rather discouraged to continue forward. Her mother & studio director sat down and came up with a plan to help encourage her to push forward and achieve her dream of performing on an international stage.
On Friday, November 10th & Sunday, November 12th 2023, Harlow Holmes (age 11) from Art In Motion Dance Academy took the stage at the 2023 DanceStar SA Qualifiers in Cape Town. http://www.dancestar.co.za/
She performed three solos and achieved outstanding results:
Contemporary Modern Solo Children - 2nd Place
Jazz Solo Children - 8th Place
Urban Styles Children (Hip Hop) - 2nd Place
On top of that, all her items qualified to represent South Africa & our little town of Knysna, at the World Dance Masters in Croatia next May (2024). We are so unbelievably proud of her!
This is a HUGE achievement for her, with this being her first ever big competition. As her dance school, we would like to do all we can to help make it possible for her & her teacher to attend the World Dance Masters in Croatia next year.
All funds raised will go to covering costs for:
Flights (+/- R15 000 pp)
Accommodation (+/- R16 000 pp)
Entry Fees (R3600)
SA Team tracksuits (+/- R1500pp)
Transport (+/- R1000pp)
For more info about this cause, who we are & our little Harlow's journey, follow us on our social media platforms:
Instagram: @artinmotionknysna
Facebook: @ArtInMotionKnysna
We would like to thank you in advance for your support towards her dream - every little bit counts!
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You go girls!! Rooting for you. <3
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Dancers Dream To Attend Worlds
24 Jan 2024
R 1 000