H2A famer Campaign
Raising funds to help a H2A famer who got the opportunity to work overseas to help to provide necessary medical care for a family member. This funds will help with the visa cost, travel costs to get him in Mississippi to help the famer reach his dream to help the family members. It has been a up hill battle to make his dreams come true and all help are appreciated in many words that cant be explained. Reaching the goal will mean a ones in the lifetime has been achieved. Thank you for helping even if it is just a shareConnected Campaigns
Donor Messages
All the best Maria & family. May the Lord grant your wish
God bless you!
God bless!
I know Maria since 1985 when I was her teacher at Redelinghuys. Robert and Maria are to genuine and trustworthy people who need our help to make this opportunity come true for them.
I was Maria's teacher in 1985 and know her since then as an honest and trustworthy person. Let's help her and Robert to make this opportunity come true for them.
May God bless you