Vehicle Assistance 67804 Campaign
May 27, 2018, the day that changed my life forever.
I can still vividly recall it, as if it were yesterday. It was a Monday morning, and Roy had been complaining about a headache over the weekend, which we had chalked up to his history of migraines. That morning, he rose before me to prepare for work. I heard him moving around, making coffee, and then heading into the bathroom. Suddenly, I heard a thud, followed by Roy's voice sounding off-kilter. Alarmed, I rushed to him to find his speech slurred, and his right arm immobile. In an instant, I knew he was having a stroke.
With no medical aid and a reluctance to brave the public healthcare system, I did my best to stay calm for the sake of our children. After getting them off to school, I assisted Roy and rushed him to the nearest clinic. Despite my urgency, the medical staff seemed indifferent to the severity of the situation, causing precious time to slip away.
By the time we finally reached the hospital, Roy had deteriorated significantly. Hours passed before he received proper attention, and by then, the damage was done. He was admitted, but the care provided left much to be desired. Throughout this ordeal, I juggled the responsibilities of a caregiver, breadwinner, and emotional support for my family.
But amidst the chaos, moments of grace emerged. Through the kindness of our church community, Roy was able to receive the rehabilitation he desperately needed. Though his recovery was slow, and challenges persisted, we found solace in knowing that we weren't alone in our struggles.
Yet, our trials didn't end there. In the following years, my daughter Kyra faced her own health battles, culminating in a diagnosis of severe mental health conditions. And just when we thought we couldn't bear any more, another blow struck as my middle child, Reane, was diagnosed with scoliosis, requiring urgent surgery.
Navigating these hardships tested every ounce of strength within me. Yet, time and again, we were met with unexpected acts of kindness and providence. From strangers offering assistance to friends rallying around us, each gesture of support reaffirmed my faith in a higher power.
As we enter a new year, I hold onto the belief that brighter days lie ahead. Despite the uncertainties that still loom, I find comfort in the knowledge that we've weathered storms before and emerged stronger for it. And so, I cling to the words of Ephesians 3:20-21, finding solace in the promise of hope and redemption.