Mahlodis Bible school funds Campaign
Hello I need your help
My name is Mahlodi Blessings Tjale and I am 18 years old located in the Western Cape in a suburb near Cape Town . I am a devoted follower of Christ , very passionate for the things of God and have made it my life goal to live in His Perfect will seeking His face all my life ; to help others know the Lord and turn the hearts of men to God while I am still on this earth through the power of the gospel and His love through charity .
In order to be able to live out this beautiful God given dream I am in need of a sponsorship of a R100000 in order to attend an institution that goes by the name of Timothy Ministry Training under the Joshua Generation church which by the grace of God I have already been accepted into for 2024
I believe that this year program is just what I need to grow closer to God enhance my Spiritual gifts and walk right into my God given calling and dream : To seek the face of the Lord while turn the hearts of men to God and help those who are in need both spiritually and materialistic wise along with healthcare.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would donate any amount you can - every Rand counts . The Lord bless you and keep you thank you for reading my post .
Galatians 6:10
''Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith''