School Tour in Italy and Greece Campaign
I’m a sponsor student and attend at ST Stithians but can’t afford to go to my drama tour in Italy and Greece which is a lot I know but I would love to go there. Because I mean it would be my first time being on a plane and even out of the country SA. This is happening next year it’s either I pay R74000 instantly or just R4800 per month till
I get to R74000 I would be in a hotel for the first time and even in Europe I would love for my dream to come true. My sponsors can’t make the payment because the school fees at ST Stithians college is high and I try my at most best to make them proud. But they to can not take me out of the country because of the price of the tour. And remember I’m from a different background other kids backgrounds aware nice, but not my background. I’m an academic sponsor student and this would mean so much to me. There is a deadline though to make the payments and it’s first come first serve system so I don’t know how many kids parents have paid but I pray that God my use you for good just once today as you are seeing this now. Because in the first place he blessed me with this amazing opportunity. Thank him and you. It does not have to be that much but remember the deadline and that I’m not rich and I come from a tough background. Other’s parents are ministers rich businessmen and woman while mine are not. I’m even a Orphane and I have no problem about it both mom and dad left me and then my dad died leaving me stranded and the. I was took by Bethesda Outreach Ministry in Hammanskraal an orphanage and now look were I am pursuing my dream to make SA better at least. Please think about it and contact me back as soon as possible because if the funds are raised It will be a dream come true and I would also pursue my passion about Drama and Academic. The funds will be used for my costs and the plane flight. Which is from South Africa to Italy then Greece.and the hotel. It is important that the funds be raised because my sponsors can not pay for the price it’s too much and they are already paying for the school fees.
Instagram profile: _Luciano_Asher