Medical Expencess Campaign
Good day everyone.I stand before you today and I am directly asking for help. Any help will always be appreciated.
Nine months ago my fiancé, Ansu Botha, gave birth to our wonderful daughter. But, with the delivery, came a few complications. It is really not alot but it was and still is, life threatening. A series of tests started today and I do not know when they will end. Ansu is a very strong, kind hearted woman but the fact is that she is sicj and we do not know what is the cause of it yet. Hence the reason for all the tests.
Medical testing and, I pray it does not go that far, surgery is very expensive and I admit i cannot pay everything. The next test is eleven thousand rand. I work as a Reaction Officer and Ansu is a full time mommy. We do not have the funds to do what is needed and I fear the worst if we do not do the tests. All I want is for Ansu to get better and be the mommy she, so desperately, wants to be and I want our daughter, Jessé, to have a full, happy life with myself and her mother. All of us in good health and spirits.
To put it all into perspective. I started this fund raising to be able to send Ansu for the tests she and the doctors need to get her health up to one hundred percent. The ability for Ansu to live a healthy life. Life is so short and I do not want her to live it constantly tired, weak and in severe pain.
Thank you to every single person who took the time to read what this is about. No one is more grateful to you than myself.