Alliney Equestrian dream Campaign
Alliney has been riding at Oaklane for the past 3 years. Alliney has proved to be focused, determined and very talented in Equine sports.
She has competed in numerous training competitions as well as agricultural competitions. In all of these events she has succeeded well and has been encouraged and complemented on her talent by judges of classes that she has entered.
This year 2024, Alliney has been invited to compete for her school at SANESA (South African National Equestrian Schools Association)
Competitive Horse Riding is an expensive sport. In order to partake and fulfil her dream she requires sponsorship.
· R2500/month x 10 months towards upkeep of her horse and her coaching. (33% reduced) R25000,00
· 3x Interschool competitions and 1x regional competition. (4 x competitions for 2024)
R265 x 6 classes per competition = R1590
R1590 x 4 competitions = R6360
· Coaching and assistance at 4 x competitions @ R500 per competition(50% already reduced by Coach) R2000
· Transportation of horse to competition venue (50% reduced) R500 x 4 competitions =R2000
· Stabling of horse at venue (full price) R500 per competition = R2000
· Coaching and upkeep of Horse and Rider = R25 000
· Competition fees for all 4 events =R12360
Should this year be as successful as I expect, Alliney will then be able to be selected to compete for Overberg at the regional competition(4th competition of the year) and by next year to be selected to compete for Western Cape.
Please consider assisting this family to fulfil Alliney’s dream. She has the talent.
Yours Sincerly
Hillary Pelser (SANEF Level 2 International Coach}