Orthodontics start up Campaign
Meet my son, Guillaume, a now Matric student, who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate with lip pits (Vander Woude).It has been a journey of notes to get here with story on story of how God has carried us.
The journey is not over with at least another 6 operations to go at too many zeros for me to count today. But for now we need to make an appointment to see the specialist orthodontist who will then quote us on the orthodontics procedures that will follow.
The quicker we start the process the better as they should have been done already but I was a government patient and did not get the help we requested.
However just to see this doctor will cost us R2580 and then starts the process... Which I will then raise another campaign as I need to know the estimated price first.
It may sound silly but at this stage even this is out of my reach and we will need to go on a top medical aid to try cover as much of the operation costs as possible but for right now, we need to start with seeing the doctor.
Any bit will help.