A helping hand for Dobby Campaign
Hello there world, my name is Lexi Kondonis and I’m a Volunteer/ Foster mum for R.A.D ( Rescued Animal Drive ) NPO 117-568 based in the Overberg, Western Cape.In May of this year, a wonderful but petrified 4 month old pup was surrendered unwanted from a busy crèche in the Grabouw Township. He spent a few nights in the vets cage very confused while we shuffled some other fosters around to make space for him in our home. After a few days in foster care the most beautiful soul blossomed from this once shell shocked soul. He had a zest for life like no another and he was named Dobby. Soon after that he was adopted by the most wonderful home we could have ever dreamed up for one of our Radimals. He got to experience a life like all puppies should! Unconditional love, friends, walkies and good food!
Unfortunately later in July his Forever mum started to notice something was off with his one front leg and he seemed to be in discomfort of sorts. The first of many vet visits bought out the misdiagnosis of rickets, which is not uncommon in township animals and treatment was thoroughly followed through. Unfortunately as time went by and more expensive vet visits, Dobby remained in a lot of pain and unfortunately he could only manage walks up to 20 minutes at the most.
In October he was brought back to the RAD vet for several x-rays and a final diagnosis of Valgus deformity/elbow dysplasia was bought to light. A first for many of us at RAD. Surgery was recommended immediately in order to help alleviate the pain and hopefully prevent any future discomfort or deformities so that he would be able to enjoy a full life every puppy deserves! The surgery went well and our Vet is happy with the progress so far. We all must keep fingers, thumbs and toes crossed for this special boy.
If you’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting Dobby, you will know he loves to skip, hop, trot and dance around any room! He is the life and love of his forever family. He has been an absolute trooper throughout this whole ordeal which has been very uncomfortable and extremely painful in his short 11 months on earth!
As you can imagine,it’s been a very expensive couple of months with all of these vet visits and as Dobby’s foster mum I would like to try take a little pressure off of his folks. The pet insurance covered R4294.87 of the R7932.00 total cost of surgery. We would like to try and raise R3637.13. As we know in animal welfare it takes a village to save these dogs! From the rescuers, the vets, the foster mums, the volunteers and most importantly the supporters. We at RAD feel we have the greatest RAD Family out there and are truly hoping that everyone will be able to chip in a little and lend a helping hand to Dobby.
Thank you for your continued support.
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Donor Messages
Melisa Schulze
Sending strength and love Dobby ❤️❤️
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 250 via A helping hand for Dobby
01 Dec 2023
R 250
Anonymous donated R 300 via A helping hand for Dobby
29 Nov 2023
R 300
Melisa Schulze donated R 100 via A helping hand for Dobby
29 Nov 2023
R 100
Michelle donated R 100 via A helping hand for Dobby
29 Nov 2023
R 100
Anonymous donated R 200 via A helping hand for Dobby
29 Nov 2023
R 200