Father and mother needing of help Campaign
Good day my name is AndriesMe and my soon to be wife and our new born son.
I dont have a work, trying still to get work. Doing handyman work on the side line to make money, my fiance is in hospital for a month now and has to stay there untill she is totaly healed. She had a early birth to a baby boy, almost 2months early. She had to go in after 2 weeks after her water broke and nothing happend. They tried to give her the pills to bring out the baby sooner but did not happen like that. After that she had to go for a c-section and baby was born. The sweetest boy. He's lungs was not totaly ready so was on the machine. As well as in the glass box's. Then he got jaundice.
Now for me with no income (proper), i have to go see them and is a hours drive to hospital. And back. She does not get paid as her boss does not want to pay say all is just uif.. But she cant claim untill she is out. Fuel is killing me i need to pay rent. But did that with my money of doing work sometimes working till 2 in the mornings and up at 6.
My fiance c-section has been infected Badly After we noticed it and they dont want to let her out the hospital. it smells so bad they hardly go to her and treat the wound. And now after a week and a half is our son also back with jaundice again. I have spend all my money, for food, petrol, my car that i owe, rent and i really want them to come home.
I'm trying to work harder and sometimes cant even see them as there is no money. I clean my fiances wound sometimes. As they not really worried. But we need to work to support our son...
The wound of my fiance is still big and open. One Doctor says it must be closed up other one says they need to leave it open untill heald. How long will that take? And how will we survive. I will loose my car and no more even paying bills.
I need help anything my son is still under the blue light again. Did not know u can get it again jaundice. My fiance that still has the open infection that can kill her. And little income. ... But God is Good
I believe i miracles. But also ask for help
I will use this money to pay fuel to see them, maybe is i have can afford a pvt hospital for them. And buy food