LIFE CAFE Campaign
Beneficiaries of the project are the general public affected by abuse of alcohol and it's related impact on their respective lives.
I am the vision carrier and founder of the concept and would like to take personal responsibility for ensuring its implementation with absolute honesty and diligence.
This is a new project, not yet started. Our purpose is to tackle societal problem of self destruction through alcoholism and actions triggering violence against women where teenagers go on drinking spree becoming vulnerable prey to adult men. Alcohol and social ills associated with it is so rife in my local province that liquor stores and taverns are more than churches
We have realised that people choose liquor over confronting the life challenges they are experiencing and seeking workable solutions.
We would like to set up a pilot walk in café where individuals can come to share soft drinks and snacks while chatting about life issues. Our volunteer counsellors and life coaches will then step in to assist those needing to transform their lives.
Many people resort to alcohol as a decoy for life struggles and our project will offer them a life changing alternative by offering them a shoulder to cry on and confronting the problems they are facing with practical decisive facilitative interventions.
Our support system is meant to build a lifetime relationship with beneficiaries on amicable grounds.
The impact will be seen in behavioural changes of our clients. The reduction in violence against women and children within our area of operation will be assessed and communicated with stakeholders.
Raising the funds will assist in the set up and execution of the following activities:
1. Rental of Premises
2. Outreach to identified beneficiaries and prospects.
3. Initial inventory and equipment
4. Administration and management
5. Transport for core functions of the project