Zambia Youth mission trip Campaign
Hey my name is Le Roux I am 20
years old and currently
studying Industrial
Engineering at NWU.
I am part of the Every Nation
family and also serve in the
youth ministry there.
I have got the opportunity to go on my first mission trip in January 2024. It will be a youth mission trip to Zambia where the heart of the mission is to spread the gospel among the youth. If you feel led to partner with me either in prayer or financially it would be greatly appreciated. The goal is to raise R2500 to fund the trip.
Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Jacquelene Meyer
Amy chappies
Great work Le Roux!
You are awesome
I remember our Botswana trip 10/11 years ago. Awesome times
Mag dit wat jy doen baie vrug dra!
Gaan doen die goeie werk van die Here!
Activity feed
Jacquelene Meyer donated US $ 12 via Zambia Youth mission trip
30 Dec 2023
US $ 12
Amy chappies donated US $ 23 via Zambia Youth mission trip
29 Dec 2023
US $ 23
Nelle donated R 500 via Zambia Youth mission trip
29 Dec 2023
R 500
Tavlyn donated R 150 via Zambia Youth mission trip
29 Dec 2023
R 150
Anonymous donated US $ 1 via Zambia Youth mission trip
24 Dec 2023
US $ 1