Love and Limb Campaign
Good day,
My name is Kathrine Robinson. I have met the most amazing, brave person I have ever come across in my life. He has inspired me and everyone around him. His strength and courage are like no other.
His name is Bill Du Plessis. Here is a little bit of his story.
6 years ago Bill had a motorbike accident and went in for his first out of 3 operations where they had to fuse his ankle. He was in a government hospital where he had students operate on his ankle and unfortunately unknowingly damaged the main arteries.
6 years later in December 2022, the blood stopped flowing to his foot of the same leg that he had operations on previously. In February they tried to do a bypass on his leg but the operation was not successful, ended up 3 days later going in for another operation due to a hematoma forming under one of the cuts they made. The month after the 2 operations he was in severe pain and his leg swelled up to the point that they needed to amputate his leg ASAP.
These past 10 months have been so difficult with wound care and physio 3 times a week now. This journey has been harrowing and stressful in all ways possible. On top of this tragedy, Bill’s dad who he was extremely close too passed away last year in April about 15 days after his amputation with heart failure.
With all the medical bills piling up, hope for a new prosthetic leg seems unreachable at the moment. Luckily they managed to save the knee. He has received a quote for a new leg and with discount from the Medical Orthotist/Prosthetist its is R126500.
Bill is extremely proud and brave and keeps pushing, he trains in gym every day and lives a very healthy lifestyle. He longs for the day he can go for a short run or hike or even to hold my hand while walking.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.