Help turn a dream into reality Campaign
Did you know that a huge number of areas still struggle from clean water? They either have to use water from rivers, lake or the rain. One would think that because we have evolved as the world, there are people that are struggling less. But it is not the case. Instead, there are people who still struggle with access to clean water.I did not really grow up in a rural area but I thought that even people from there get access to clean water just as I did. That was until I went to visit family that lived in a rural area. When you wanted to drink water, you had to boil it first and then it's only after that, that you can drink it. If you don't boil, then you would experience severe diarrhea. When you had to wash clothes, it had to be with water that was straight from the river. I then asked one family member how long they used that type of water. The answer was that it had been like that from a long time and that sometimes they'd pray for rain water as it was much better.
After the visitation, it hit me that I was lucky to have access to clean water that did not require to be fetched, boiled or prayed for. But it also hit me that they have accepted that reality. It was in that moment that I realized that a solution for that was necessary and I wanted to be behind that.
That is when the business idea rose. That is when I knew I wouldn't carry on with my life without at least trying to fight for change.
The idea I have is to open a business that will host projects that can help people to have access to a clean environment, the first being clean water. The business is not only going to have projects but it will also provide solutions to other businesses. The aim is for the business to partner up with other businesses, organizations and even the government. Because it takes team work to create change.
Why do I need funding? Opening a business requires money. Gathering a team requires money. It is even harder to try and get funding when you're starting from zero. Most companies prefer to work with a business that has already made some profit or at least earning money. I only have a dream and an idea on how I want to go on about it.
My name is Karabo. I am a young black girl who has always been about making a difference in the world. I am a young girl who wants to make a name for herself and be known to give solutions that will have a great impact. I have passion to help. I also know that for this dream to turn into reality, it is gonna take time but even Rome wasn't built in a day.
What is it that I want to do? I want to bring clean water into places where they do not have access to clean. If you look at the world we live in, we have resources. I feel somehow that we have drifted away from also making sure that people have something as small as clean water, which is a basic need. We have companies that focus mostly on the technical issues we have. We have projects where they bring internet access to people. We have projects where they install fibre internet. To install new electricity boxes. We have companies that introduce ways to access to media and what is happening to the world like Dstv, Showmax and etc. But do we have companies that are also interested in bringing clean water to areas that struggle with clean water?
My story isn't really important, but what is important is changing someone else's story. In order for that to happen, we need to give these people hope that not all is bad by doing the least, which is meeting their basic need. We need to show these people that we are also interested and aware of their struggles and we're doing something about it.