For my mom 69698 Campaign
Hi there, my name is Kai Rautenbach, I am writing this to help my mom who needs to go to hospital for a week or two. She has epilepsy and her medication is not quite working the way it should be. They need to have her there for a week or so to figure out her right cocktail to stop the seizures and improve her mood which has been very low for some time now. She has postponed this every time, because she says we cannot cope without her income for two weeks. She works for herself because of the Epilepsy. So the treatment would be for free, she will be going to a state facility. The money would assist her in not stressing and worrying about finances while getting the treatment and getting better.Connected Campaigns
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Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 16 via For my mom
05 Mar 2024
US $ 16
Anne donated R 1 000 via For my mom
05 Mar 2024
R 1 000