Ronelle Loots Campaign
Ronelle Loots, our friend, beloved film maker and cheerleader is currently on pain management medication, since she has been diagnosed with cancer. She is currently with her animals at her lovely house in Mcgregor. Her family has been very supportive with regards to setting up 24 hour care for her there. We, as friends, created this drive to try and create peace of mind where further care is concerned and to make sure she can either stay in the house for the immediate future or move to a facility if the need arises. Ronelle has decided against treatment, we want to make sure she is as comfortable as possible. Her family will manage the account.Connected Campaigns
Donor Messages
Stuur vir jou soveel liefde Ronelle! Jy is en bly ‘n inspirasie as mens en in die industrie. Hoop jou honde nurse versorg jou ook mooi!
Grethe Fox
I did not know you even so I was always aware of your integrity, talent and commitment to holding your own space.
Love and sterkte
Joan Kruger
Ek dink aan jou met soveel liefde en koester soveel onvergeetlike herinneringe. Mag liefde van oraloor jou omvou.
Sending much strength and love.
Christa Joubert
Long time, Ronelle, maar ek onthou die magiese tye in die editing suite.
Sending lots of love to you, Ronelle
Baie liefde, baie sterkte. Al die koppies tee, al die diere. Corné
Activity feed
Grethe Fox donated R 3 000 via Ronelle Loots
12 Dec 2023
R 3 000
Anonymous donated R 300 via Ronelle Loots
09 Dec 2023
R 300
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Ronelle Loots
08 Dec 2023
R 1 000
STEPS donated R 5 000 via Ronelle Loots
07 Dec 2023
R 5 000
Aurelia donated US $ 28 via Ronelle Loots
06 Dec 2023
US $ 28