Save Abbie Campaign
Abby came into our home as a rescue from a foster family. Her previous owner had died and the children wanted to euthanize her as she was an inconvenience. Since adopting her in 2022 at 2 years old, she has become a sister to our other dog Penny and a best friend to our 6 year old son.From November 2023 Abby had started to get a growth on her lip, which at first seemed innocuous but since then has grown to take over almost a quarter of her mouth and now has affected the gland on her right side which has also grown to the size of a small apple.
Initially when we visited the vet they stated that to remove the growth from her lip would work out at about R2000, but since the her glands have presumably become infected with the same growth (as no anti-inflammatory medication seems to help the swelling) the operation might be double that amount. Abby is still playful and happily eats and drinks, so we do not feel it humane to decide to euthanize her at this time, even though it might seem like the easiest option.
Unfortunately, due to financial constraints, neither my husband or I am able to fund this operation at this time and we are afraid that time is running out for Abby should we continue to wait until finances are better.
We ask you to open your hands and provide us with anything that might assist us in saving her life.
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Sterkte Abbykins ❤️ laff juice
Groenewald Hermi
Hi Julia. I'm so sorry that Abby is going through this. You have such a big heart. I really hope you can get all the funds you need for her operation and that she can make a full recovery. My heart goes out to you, your family and Abby.
You got this Abby ❤️